Lexical Decision Experiment
- Home Page: http://chrplr.github.io/PCBS-LexicalDecision
- Github repository: https://github.com/chrplr/PCBS-LexicalDecision
The aim of this project was to create a psycholinguistics experiment implementing a lexical decision task in the visual modality.
The experiment consists in a succession of trials in which a written stimulus is displayed on the screen and the participant must indicate, by pressing one of two response keys, if this stimulus is a word or not. The response time is recorded.
In our experiment, the word stimuli are nouns and verbs of varying lexical frequencies (frequencies of occurrence in the language) to allow us to assess the influences of these two factors (Category: Noun vs. Verb; Frequency: High vs. Low) on the speed of word recognition.
Table of Contents
Preparation of the stimuli
To get lexical frequency information, we used the Lexique database. More precisely, we downloaded the table Lexique383.tsv
available at http://www.lexique.org/databases/Lexique383/Lexique383.tsv (Under Linux, this can be done with the command line curl -O http://www.lexique.org/databases/Lexique383/Lexique383.tsv
We then randomly selected four subsets of twenty nouns and verbs, of length comprised between 5 and 8 letters, in two frequency ranges.
The code to randomly pick items verifying some criteria is in the script select-words-from-lexique.py. We ran it as follows:
mkdir -p stimuli
python select-words-from-lexique.py -n 20 --cgram NOM --max-freq 5.0 --min-letters 5 \
--max-letters 8 --database Lexique383.tsv > stimuli/nomlo.txt
python select-words-from-lexique.py -n 20 --cgram NOM --min-freq 100.0 --min-letters 5 \
--max-letters 8 --database Lexique383.tsv > stimuli/nomhi.txt
python select-words-from-lexique.py -n 20 --cgram VER --max-freq 5.0 --min-letters 5 \
--max-letters 8 --database Lexique383.tsv > stimuli/verlo.txt
python select-words-from-lexique.py -n 20 --cgram VER --min-freq 100.0 --min-letters 5 \
--max-letters 8 --database Lexique383.tsv > stimuli/verhi.txt
Thus, the words for the experiment are saved in the files nomhi.txt
, nomlo.txt
, verhi.txt
and verlo.txt
in the subfolder stimuli/
Here is an example of ouput:
nomhi | nomlo | verhi | verlo |
façon | fleuves | avait | amènera |
cause | véranda | changer | dégagée |
bateau | vacarme | aller | envoyons |
équipe | bluff | parlé | sauterai |
école | lever | avons | ralenti |
bureau | tarés | croyais | frustré |
trucs | cobra | veulent | défiguré |
lumière | samouraï | trouver | extraire |
besoin | mystique | regardez | secoué |
début | yacks | était | brouillé |
force | contes | savais | tairai |
reste | lézard | payer | envisage |
travail | boche | faisait | données |
homme | raton | rentrer | abrite |
faute | piercing | ferais | apaiser |
années | frayeur | parlez | bousculé |
bonjour | dérision | demander | parleras |
table | citation | donnez | cuits |
heures | entrées | parles | perdant |
hommes | réforme | jouer | rallume |
To create 80 pseudowords, we used the Wuggy pseudoword generator, feeding it with the words generated at the previous step.
We obtained 80 pseudowords, that we saved in the file stimuli/pseudomots.txt
Creating the list of trials
Finally, we wrote create-experimental-list.py to merge the the files nomlo.txt
, nomhi.txt
, verhi.txt
, verlo.txt
and pseudomots.txt
into a single csv file (resources/trials.csv
) describing the trials.
python create-experimental-list.py > resources/trials.csv
This file has three columns named Category’,’Frequency’ and ‘Item’:
head resources/trials.csv
NOUN,HIFREQ, lumière
Running the experiment
To run the experiment on your computer, you must have Python and the modules listed in requirements.txt installed 1
Once Python and the relevant modules are installed, you can download http://github.com/chrplr/PCBS-LexicalDecision/archive/refs/heads/master.zip and unzip it.
The experiment is ran with the script run-lexical-decision.py:
cd PCBS-LexicalDecision
python run-lexical-decision.py resources/trials.csv
Analyzing the results
After each run of lexical-decision.py
, a file (with extension .xpd
) is created in the subfolder named data
It is possible to visualize and analyze the results stored in such file by passing it as argument to the script analyze-lexical-decision-times.py. For example:
python analyze_lexical_decision-times.py data/lexical-decision_01_202103282213.xpd
This generates the following graphics (with our data), showing the reactions times as a function of Category (Noun vs. Verb) and Lexical Frequency (High or low)
Average Reaction times:
And computes the ANOVA of logRT as a function of Category (Noun vs. Verb) and Lexical Frequency (High or low):
df sum_sq mean_sq F PR(>F)
frequency 1.0 0.004681 0.004681 0.295198 0.588498
category 1.0 0.012364 0.012364 0.779794 0.379989
frequency:category 1.0 0.020338 0.020338 1.282675 0.260963
Residual 76.0 1.205025 0.015856 NaN NaN
1: On our system (Ubuntu 20.04 with Anaconda Python 3), we used:
conda create --name lexdec python=3.7
conda activate lexdec
pip install -r requirements.txt